University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST)
In mid 2010’s after Development of Kahrizak charity Foundation , Managers of That Foundation Decided to Stablish a Scientific center to Train Volunteers especially in Aging Seccions to provide Educared personnel for caring from the elderly and people with disabilities in different services such as Residetial, Daily and Home Care.
After obtaining Agreement from Comprehensive University of Applied Science it started since 2018.
Today, in this university, in addition to teaching care for the elderly, 7 courses related to nursing and nursing jobs are offered at associate and bachelor’s degrees, and 3 unrelated courses are offered to 330 students of this center.
It is worth mentioning that the scientific-practical center of the Kahrizak charity foundation is the only center in the country that is located next to the elderly and disabled, and students who are studying can complete their theoretical and scientific courses at the same time based on the latest international standards for the care of the elderly and disabled.
So far, 140 students have graduated and 321 students are currently studying at different levels, which include the staff of Tehran and Alborz sanatoriums and independent students.